Oaklyn Gulf

Full information about place Establishment and car repair "Oaklyn Gulf" at White Horse Pike & East Bettlewood Avenue, Oaklyn, NJ 08107. Find out the full address, phone number, opening hours, customer reviews, map and photos.


Establishment   Car repair  

White Horse Pike & East Bettlewood Avenue, Oaklyn, NJ 08107
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Phone number:
+1 856-854-3185

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Reviews about Oaklyn Gulf

  • John Peters
    Dec, 31 2017
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Got my brakes done here a little over a year ago. When I got it back, I noticed it was making a clanking noise in the back. I thought maybe the mechanic bumped it into something, but there was nothing cracked or noticeable.

    I just had a friend look at my brakes, and turns out De Angelis put the wrong brakes pads on. They've been making an awful noise since.

    I had been going to them for a while, but no more. I know if I were to call and complain, they would dismiss it (as they've done it before with others I know). Do not recommend or trust anymore.

    And to top it off, previous to this while having other work done, I asked them to recharge my air (something I can do myself, but figured while they had it in I would be fine with being charged somewhat of a premium for them to do it). Well they charged me $120 for it (costs about $30 to do it myself) and they didn't even check for any leaks. Turns out I had a hole in my condenser, so the entire job was $120 down the drain.

    These are flat-out stupid, careless mistakes. As I said, I used them for years. But this, coupled with others I know who have recently had issues, is becoming more of a trend rather than an outlier.
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